I have finally started going through all the school pictures and projects and putting them into order. It was starting to create a life of it's own in the corner of my scrap room. Will's Pre-K stack has been particularly tough to go through. He had an amazing teacher!!! She saved everything for the students...every picture they made to all the laminated pieces with their names on it. She also gave each child an album of all the pictures she took of them over the course of the year. I also have pic`s of all the family days we attended. His pre-k year could fill it`s own album!! My goal is to do it in 8 layouts...which is still a lot but I feel so lucky that he has all these pictures. Anyways here is the first layout finished...it uses CTMHs Typeset line.
I am privileged to be part of the Use It Or Lose It design team http://useitorloseitctmh.blogspot.com/ and our first challenge will be posted on Friday!!! I hope you`ll play along!
Great layout Jenn!! I think 8 layouts is good. You just have to think that it was a whole year of his life so really 8 is very reasonable! Don't you love it when your child has an amazing teacher!! My kids' kindergarten teacher makes a DVD every year with all of the pics from her class. Can't wait to see the rest!!